You already know I am an awesome golfer.....ok not awesome, but I don't get run off the course by angry golfers behind me.
I work in Human Resources as a senior information technologist. I do like my job but the the downside of that title is that everyone runs to me when they can't get their computer to do what they want it to. I am no computer guru. However, I have found that if you dig in, 9 out of 10 times, you can figure it out. The 10th time, you may need to get a new computer!
I have a teenage son. He is the light of my life and the source of my ever more present gray hairs, and he hasn't started driving yet! It's coming soon so I am relishing this time with him.

These are my dogs, Roscoe on the left and Sammy on the right. I firmly believe that you should not spoil a dog.....ok while I may believe it, I don't practice it!! These guys are spoiled rotten!!